FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 13, 2017 Contact: Sam Yu, AAPI Mother Speaks at Press Conference as Parent of DACA-mented Child Washington D.C. – On December 13, 2017, Hee Kim, a community leader with Korean Resource Center (KRC), spoke at…
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Community leaders from NAKASEC participated in a series of events to stress the urgency to Congress to pass a clean DREAM Act before the end of the year.
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Senate Democrats are warning that they will not accept a plan by House conservatives to pair a full year of defense funding with a short-term fix for other programs. “We write to express our concern with reports that the House…
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Check out this wonderful video created by UPLIFT featuring our directly impacted AAPI young people. 1 out of every 7 AAPI immigrants is undocumented and there are about 11.7 AAPI undocumented immigrants within the United States. The time for Congress…
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AAPI community members visited Senator Schumer’s office to ask for a stronger commitment to passing a clean DREAM Act this year in his role as Democratic Minority Leader.
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워싱턴 디씨 – 2017년 12월 7일, 버지니아, 일리노이, 오하이오, 캘리포니아, 텍사스 및 아칸사 주 등에서 온 아시아 태평양계 커뮤니티 멤버들이 슈머 연방상원의원의 디씨 사무실을 방문하여 그가 민주당 지도부로써 클린 드림법안을 금년내 통과시키기 위한 더 강력한 의지를 보여줄 것을 촉구했습니다. 이…
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Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Dreamers are staging a “Sing-In” at Senator Chuck Schumer’s Washington D.C. office today, Thursday December 7th. We are singing DREAM Act Carols to create urgency for a clean DREAM Act by Christmas. For a clean…
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(To the Tune of Deck the Halls) DACA calls now for replacing. Fa la la la… Legal dangers we are facing. Fa la la la… We have to come to plead in chorus. Fa la la la la… Make a…
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Contact: Sam Yu, Close to 200 Immigrants and Advocates Converge on Capitol Hill for Civil Disobedience in Support of a clean DREAM Act and TPS Washington DC – Nearly 5,000 undocumented young people, immigrant rights advocates, and faith leaders…
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담당자: 하나영 (Nayoung Ha), 200여명의 이민자및 권익옹호단체들이 연방의사당 앞에 모여 클린 드림법안과 임시보호신분 프로그램을 지지하기 위한 시민불복종 행동을 펼쳤습니다 워싱턴 디씨 – 약 5,000여명의 서류미비 청년들과, 이민권익 옹호 지도자들과 종교계 지도자들이 12월 6일 정오 12시에 클린 드림법안의 통과와 임시보호신분…
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